“How many careers can one have in a lifetime? You are on a mission to find out.”

~ Chani Nicholas, Astrologer

glass bottle of magic potion surrounded by mushrooms and feathersglass bottle of magic potion surrounded by mushrooms and feathersglass bottle of magic potion surrounded by mushrooms and feathers
When it comes to professional endeavors, variety is the spice of life for my 10-th house Sun trine Uranus + Sun conjunct Midheaven (per Western astrology).

In my 20s, I was a bookkeeper. After about a decade of crunching numbers for a volunteer hospice on California’s dreamy Central Coast, my yearning to connect with people on a deeper level sent me back into the halls of academia for a decade of studying psychology & neuroscience.
When it sunk in that college wasn’t the place to learn how to hold space for others' process of healing and whole-ing, I went for a 9-month relationship coach certification with The Relationship School. When that didn't quite get me where I wanted to be, I became a student of my own relationships, both internal and external.

Design of any kind wasn’t really on my career radar when a mentor asked me to finish her website, which had stalled for some months. Yes, I had been designing landing pages through college, but a full site build was some next-level ish. Long story short, I fell in love with it.

These days, I design landing pages, courses, and web sites in SquareSpace and Kajabi, cashier at a local grocery store, garden, and practice holding space for others.

I am also learning, and finding more creative freedom on, the web site design platform Webflow while exploring other platforms in search of The One to Rule Them All.
When not designing, ringing up groceries, or inspecting my tomato plants for hawkmoth progeny, I’m often absorbed in what is going on with the other-than-human beings around me.

By some stroke of luck, in 2020 I landed in Boulder, Colorado, where I live among my chosen tribe in (often) barefoot, touchy-feely reverence to Mother Earth, the Mystery, and each other.

Some of my favorite things on Earth:

Douglas Adams's The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. In my early teens, it gave me the answer to life, the universe, and everything, whilst instilling in me patience towards my mind’s ceaseless meaning-making. Read it if you haven’t, and feel free to email me all about it.
Adult attachment theory.
Trees. The native pagan traditions of my people, the Bulgarians, regard trees as temples. In my world, they are guardians, teachers, and friends. I express my devotion to them by re-homing the saplings that sprout in my yard every spring.

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Rooted in respect.
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